Plot vector data.
usage: flatspin-vectors [-h] [-b DATA_PATH] [-i INDEX] [-s FILTER] [-l]
[-o FILE] [-d [DROP_DUPLICATES ...]] [-V] [-t T]
[-g GRID] [-c CROP] [-w WINDOW [WINDOW ...]]
[-p PARAM] [-a] [-q QUANTITY] [--fps FPS] [--dpi DPI]
[--title [TITLE]] [--dark] [--label [LABEL]]
[--style {image,arrow,rectangle,stadium,voronoi}]
[--cmap CMAP] [--dir-only] [--alpha-mag] [--compress]
- -h, --help#
show this help message and exit
- -b <data_path>, --datapath <data_path>#
path to dataset (default: None)
- -i, --subset#
select a subset of the dataset by index
- -s, --filter#
filter a subset of the dataset by parameter
- -l, --list#
list the dataset
- -o <file>, --output <file>#
save result(s) to file(s)
- -d, --drop-duplicates#
drop duplicates, <column name> or “<column name 1>, … ,<column name n>”
- -V, --version#
display flatspin version
- -t <t>#
time range start:stop:step (default: ::spp)
- -g, --grid#
grid size <size> or <sizex>x<sizey> (set GRID to 0 to disable grid)
- -c, --crop#
crop window CROP or CROPx,CROPy where CROP is before or before:after (when GRID is 0, CROP,CROPx,CROPy denote the percentage to crop)
- -w, --window#
window size <sizex>x<sizey> [<stepx>,<stepy>]
- -p <param>, --param <param>#
montage over given parameter
- -a, --animate-dataset#
animate over dataset (instead of time)
- -q <quantity>, --quantity <quantity>#
quantity to view (default: mag)
- --fps <fps>#
frames per second (default: 30)
- --dpi <dpi>#
dots per inch (default: 100)
- --title <title>#
title format string
- --dark#
dark mode
- --label <label>#
label format
- --style {image,arrow,rectangle,stadium,voronoi}#
vector style (default: image)
- --cmap <cmap>#
set colormap
- --dir-only#
plot vector directions only
- --alpha-mag#
use alpha channel for magnitude
- --compress#
filter time steps where there is no change in state