

Plot table data.

usage: flatspin-plot [-h] [-b DATA_PATH] [-i INDEX] [-s FILTER] [-l] [-o FILE]
                     [-d [DROP_DUPLICATES ...]] [-V] [-f [FILES ...]]
                     [-g TABLES [TABLES ...]] [-k [GROUPBY ...]] [-v]
                     [-x [X ...]] [-y [Y ...]] [-z [Z ...]] [-a AGGREGATE]
                     [-c TABLE_FILTER] [--xlim XMIN XMAX] [--ylim YMIN YMAX]
                     [--zlim ZMIN ZMAX] [--title TITLE] [--marker MARKER]
                     [--linestyle LINESTYLE] [-to TABLE_OUT] [--dpi DPI]
-h, --help#

show this help message and exit

-b <data_path>, --datapath <data_path>#

path to dataset (default: None)

-i, --subset#

select a subset of the dataset by index

-s, --filter#

filter a subset of the dataset by parameter

-l, --list#

list the dataset

-o <file>, --output <file>#

save result(s) to file(s)

-d, --drop-duplicates#

drop duplicates, <column name> or “<column name 1>, … ,<column name n>”

-V, --version#

display flatspin version

-f <files>, --files <files>#

tables to load from file

-g <tables>, --tables <tables>#

tables to load from the dataset

-k <groupby>, --groupby <groupby>#

group by column(s)

-v, --list-cols#

list available columns

-x <x>#

name of column(s) to use for x axis

-y <y>#

name of column(s) to use for y axis

-z <z>#

name of column(s) to use for z axis

-a <aggregate>, --aggregate <aggregate>#

aggregate method

-c, --table-filter#

select a subset of the table (column=value)

--xlim <xmin> <xmax>#
--ylim <ymin> <ymax>#
--zlim <zmin> <zmax>#
--title <title>#

title format string

--marker <marker>#

marker style (XY plots only)

--linestyle <linestyle>#

line style (XY plot only)

-to <table_out>, --table-out <table_out>#

dump result table to file

--dpi <dpi>#

dots per inch (default: 100)